One last word should be said regarding the USE FAN x listbox. Consider that when the WARNING temperature is reached, the program sets the fan speed to 100, whatever maximum speed you selected. You can set, say, 60 as the maximum value and, sometimes, I myself set it that way.

I suggest to use 100 as the maximum value, unless you hear a lot of noise from it, in which case you might reduce the maximum speed to 95 or 90. When you hear no noise from the fan then you can set that value as the minimum fan speed for that fan. When choosing parameters for the minimum and maximum fan speed, try to set them by hand (disable all the VARIATE FANs checkboxes) and listen to the noise. By properly configuring SpeedFan, you can let it change fan speeds based on system temperatures. SpeedFan monitor temperatures from several sources. SpeedFan works fine with Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, Windows 7, 2008, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows Server 2012. SpeedFan can access digital temperature sensors and can change fan speeds accordingly, thus reducing noise. SpeedFan can even change the FSB on some hardware (but this should be considered a bonus feature). SpeedFan is a program that monitors voltages, fan speeds and temperatures in computers with hardware monitor chips.