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(If they are too young to clean or pay for it, you can do it together with them.) This teaches them to fix their own mistakes. Tell the child to clean up a mess they made, fix something they broke, or pay for a broken thing they can't fix. For example, "We do not throw snowballs at people's faces." Give a short, clear response to them in a stern voice. X Research source X Research source X Research source X Research source

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Spanking should never be a first resort, and there are other ways to handle misbehavior. Firmly and patiently tell them what needs to happen. It was a pity their bottoms had to suffer.Look at non-physical consequences. She admired 'spirit' in the girls, and the squad had shown it in spades. It was this foresight which got the squad the unstinting admiration of every girl in the school, and (although she would of course not admit it openly) even that of Mrs Winchester, the headmistress, herself. The caning was for bringing the school into disrepute the paddling was for having so evidently practiced the move to perfection. Each girl got twelve swats of the heavy paddle, and twelve strokes of the Dragon cane. The cheerleaders were summoned to the headmistress's office, where they were bidden to drop their underwear again, this time for rather more painful purposes. ​ Not surprisingly, retribution followed swiftly. It took the two schools' staff almost ten minutes to restore order. ​ The six girls in the Bexhill cheerleading squad formed a line, turned their backs to St Mary's, and in one obviously well-rehearsed move, dropped their knickers, raised their tiny skirts, and wiggled their bare bottoms at the opposition. On the opposite side, the victorious St Mary's girls taunted their opponents. There was uproar amongst the Bexhill team and the school's supporters, packed along one side of the pitch. Ignoring the blatant off-side, she blew the closing whistle.

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The referee - a large and florid lady - had appeared throughout to favour the St Mary's team. In the confusion around the goal-mouth, the ball ricocheted off one of the players and into the net. Their winger, clearly offside, cracked a shot towards the Bexhill goal. Then, in the last few seconds, St Mary's made a desperate charge. The eagerly-awaited Schools Cup Final between the two establishments had been a thriller, with both teams even as the final whistle approached. Thus the scenes which took place at the end of the hockey match between Bexhill and their arch-rivals, St Mary's, were nothing less than disgraceful. Not so cheery ​ The role of the cheerleading squad is to encourage their team by whipping up their supporters, certainly not by whipping down their knickers.

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